
The CPlayer project aims at providing you with a functional MP3 player rapidly. While keeping a rather small size and lower resource consuming, it gives you a number of practical functions. In order to get it running, all you need is to make sure that there is a JVM in you system available for use, no needing extra decoding plugins such as JMF.

适用的环境 Target Environments

  • 难于安装软件的环境:对于某些Linux发行版来说,出于某些原因,可能并没有安装MP3播放器,这时如果您的系统没有因特网连接,并且手中没有一个完整的附加软件集合的话。
  • Environments which are not so easy to add software. For some Linux distributions, they are not shipped with a MP3 player, and you are not accessible to a Internet connection and a full package of additional softwares.
  • 或者您可以在系统中安装其他非常优秀的播放器软件,但是却不愿意忍受漫长的编译安装时间,疲于应对各种软件包依赖错误、GLIBCXX版本错误的话。
  • Or maybe you are able to install some excellent players, but can not stand the endless compile procedure, tired of dealing with all kinds of errors caused by missing dependencies, GLIBCXX version conflicting, etc.
  • 出于需要不得不工作于一个没有桌面管理器的终端之中,如FreeBSD,各种Linux等;这时,普通的基于窗口的音乐播放器便无法运行了。
  • Having to work at a terminal window without a desktop environment, such as FreeBSD and other Linux systems; Then the common window-based music player are not applicable.
  • 需要一个简单的听MP3音乐的工具,可以以同样的方式工作在尽可能多的操作系统中。
  • Needing a simple tool to play MP3 files, which could work in as many systems as possible in the same manner.

功能特性 Specific Features


CPlayer is a general Java program, only a Java virtual machine is needed for it to run on. No needing to compile, and of a rather slim size around 200KB. It seems a shortage of needing a JVM, but to many Unix-like systems which see JVM as indispensable, what matter? So CPlayer can run under Windows systems smoothly.


CPlayer take full advantage of an excellent open-source Mp3 decoder called JLayer--a pure Java library. So we do not need any other decoder plugins more, yet can easily get a excellent sound quality easily.

CPlayer以基于控制台的方式运行,使得我们在终端之中仍然可以方便地尽情享受音乐。出于这个原因,项目的名字取为CPlayer,代表“Command Line Player”之意。

CPlayer runs in a command-line window, or other terminals in Unix-like systems, allowing us to enjoy music even without a visible window easily. For this reason, we call it CPlayer, take the meaning Command Line.

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此项目的软件是开源的,所以您可以在GPL许可下自由地使用它。点击 此处下载,如果您觉得此项目的软件对您有或多或少的帮助,我们会非常高兴,并且期待听到您的声音和反馈消息。我不得不很遗憾地认为,如果您只是一位普通的桌面系统用户,也对Java没有兴趣,那么此项目对您的价值就非常地有限了。
As an open-source project, you can take use of it freely under GPL v2. Click Download to get source files or compiled version. We will be very glad if you find this software useful, any comments and/or suggestions are always welcomed. We are obliged to confess the sorry fact that if you are only a common window system user, and do not care about Java, you can see very little virtue here. Feel free to email me at beethoven99@126.com.
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CPlayer: open-source project hosted by Sourceforge.net, comply to GPL V2. Page created by:御风而行 Mail:beethoven99@126.com QQ:464502490

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